The four pillars of wellness and other lessons from the Two Percent New Year Challenge
Have fun, don't die, and let us know what you learned.
Post summary
We’re pulling lessons from the Two Percent Challenge. I’ll cover:
The four pillars of wellness I considered while creating the challenge.
Two big surprises you all gave me during the challenge (we were all tough and not tough in surprising ways!)
Five challenges that stuck with me that I’ll be incorporating into my life more often.
An ask: What challenges were your favorite and why? Drop your thoughts in the comments.
Full access to this post is for Members of Two Percent.
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S/O to our partners:
Function Health offers 5x more testing than typical blood work. Your Function results are reviewed by a clinician, but I recommend two things: work with your doctor to analyze your results and read this post to understand the upsides and downsides of direct-to-consumer blood work in the absence of symptoms. Use this link to learn more about Function and to skip the waiting list.
Jaspr air purifiers. Their founder and I became friends after I started using Jaspr in my home and covering them on Two Percent. I think using a Jaspr is one of the easiest thing you can do to improve your health—all you have to do is plug it in and remember to breathe. Having a Jaspr in my room seemed to improve my sleep, and I love watching the Jaspr in our kitchen kick on and filter our air after my frequent cooking disasters.
GOREWEAR: Maker of cutting-edge, science-backed endurance apparel that performs no matter what nature throws at you. Their gear has the official “Have Fun, Don’t Die” seal of approval. Check out the Concurve Jacket. Use code EASTER for 30% off.
Audio/podcast version
The Post
Fridays are always reserved for our signature posts like Burn the Ships, Gear Not Stuff, The Expedition, and our AMA.
But today is a rare fifth Friday of the month. It also happens to be the final day of the Two Percent New Year Challenge—so we’ll be covering four things: the pillars of wellness I considered while making the challenge, ways you all surprised me, what challenges stuck with me, and an ask.
I loved the chat and seeing how you tackled each challenge, encouraged each other, and cursed me for certain challenges. (Sorry I’m not sorry ).
Whether you completed just one challenge or all 23, thanks to everyone who participated.
Let’s roll …
The philosophy of the challenge
I explained the two flaws of most New Year’s resolutions in this post.
In short:
They push us too far out of our comfort zone, too fast, for too long.
They’re hyper-focused and ignore the supporting tools and foundations needed to support change.
I designed each challenge to be difficult but not extreme. That fixed our first problem.
To fix the second problem, I considered four pillars of well-being when designing the challenge. You can use these pillars to guide your wellness approach. They are:
Movement: Are you moving your body enough and in ways that support your long-term goals, health, and well-being?
Mindset: Are you doing things that expand your psychological comfort zone?