Walking meditation is my most effective way of being in the moment. I'm an 83 Y/O Eye Surgeon who has practiced it for 40 years but I still find my mind wandering into a distracted state as I move along the trails I ruck daily. My most effective technique to reenter mindfulness is to imagine that my entire visual system is a GoPro, taking in the entirety of my visual fields in real time with "soft focus". This technique always refocuses my attention to the present, away from "monkey mind".

I hope this is helpful!

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Great suggestion. "Monkey mind" is real! I also like that the meditation is more active. I'm sure a lot of people who read 2% would do better with that compared to sitting.

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I have been receiving all my year in reviews the last few weeks and email after email tells me that I am in the top 1%. 😩 Everything I do, I do every day and every month I add something new to my healthy routine.

What I really need to know is how do I make 2% friends?

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Heather, I have the same question! The things I do daily are just my habit and routine. I have a hard time sitting still, because I am just used to constant motion when not “at work”. I need some 1-2% friends as well!

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Great question. Perhaps I should build a 2% online community (outside of the comments section!).

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Absolutely, yes!

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Yes please

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Just joined 2% community. Am volunteering to help organize our community into a group willing to encourage and support 2 percenters since 98% of people have no clue what is going on.

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Heather, awesome post. Just joined, and have been getting after my health transformation over the past year, and hope this content helps get to next level. Your friends question is a great one. The social, community and friends side of life is a key. Still working on that part as well. Will let you know what I find. Feeling like a 2nd level friend to many :) but with limited 1st level friends.

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"Most people take pills or undergo procedures rather than putting in the work to fix the root of their problem."

It can be really hard to find anyone in the medical profession willing to look into root cause with you. I wish there was an easy way to find someone who wants to do this. It seems to be a circular problem where most people want the easy fix, so doctors only recommend the easy fix and when you want to dig in, they are resistant or get frustrated with your questions. I've had nothing but struggles trying to find a doctor to work with me on root-cause issues, and that seems to be a lot to do with insurance coding. You can only get around it if you have $$$ to spend privately to hire someone like Dr Peter Attia, it seems. Which would be amazing 😂 but not in the budget!

My dad is in his 70s and has been healthy (and very active!) his whole life. Last year his cholesterol ticked slightly above normal and his doctor immediately prescribed statins. A week later after experiencing sudden joint pain, he stopped taking them. A few quick internet searches showed he could make changes to his diet. So he did, and 90 days later his numbers were back in range. He asked the doctor why he didn't recommend the diet change (which was pretty simple) instead of meds with side effects and the doctor said "Because no one does the lifestyle changes." It's so frustrating. I want ALL of the options and to make an educated choice based on that. But it's incredibly hard to find a doctor who actually wants to be your partner in health and prevention rather than quick solutions to symptoms and not the resolution of the root problem.

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It's very hard to find doctors who lay out all the options and don't automatically assume you'll fail at lifestyle interventions.

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This is because we have very limited time, we don't really get paid more for spending more time, and the VAST majority (90% ish I would say) absolutely freak if you suggest anything they can do that involves personal behavioral change, so we're timid to even bring it up. Let me tell you the stories of my suggesting CBT rather than meds for people who can't sleep. But check out doctors who are board certified in Lifestyle Medicine for good local options though - they love this stuff. (Note, I say this as someone in what I'll call the 8% - I want to get to the 2% but I'm absolutely not there in most facets... maybe intellectual pursuits or something, but nothing physical. I am trying and I am making progress. Getting certified in Lifestyle Med this year too.)

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An excellent post! I agree this should be made public.

It’s all the small choices daily that add up. Too many people are trying to “major in the minors”, like taking AG1 to “be healthy” rather than eating real food, not UPF.

Eat real food, move your body more, get outside, none of these are so hard, they just require intention. Thanks for all you do!

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"Majoring in the minors" is a great way to put a lot of the easy fixes people get sucked into. :)

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I look for ways to help other people carry, lift, climb, or move things. It tends to surprise people that a 68-year old (me) is eager to assist.

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Great work!

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On the days I am in the office I load up my backpack and walk across Manhattan. I could take the subway but I enjoy the walk. Especially in the cold. On WFH days I either start the day with a body weight workout or a ruck. And at some point I’ll either go for a 15 minute walk around the block or throw my ruck on.

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Epic. Great work. I try to avoid the subway and walk instead when I'm in NYC.

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Sounds like Michael needs to invite us all to Vegas for a weekend!

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I’ve suggested this to him to consider holding a retreat in Vegas where we can go on a rucking expedition that he normally does. I fly to Vegas regularly and would jump on the opportunity to pick his brain and see what his routine is like (and yes, I would pay to experience this as well).

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Yep. Me too. I’m considering upping my membership levels as well. I’m really all in.

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Hang tight. We have something in the works for the spring. More information to come.

Also thinking of starting a separate online 2% community that's better for back and forths, convos, etc compared to the comments section.

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Easter, this needs to be made public.

This is great! I pray that the 2% become the 98%

Lead on my man!

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What do I do to be a 2 percenter? I do some form of physical activity everyday. I walk, run, or ruck everyday. I cycle 2-3 times a week. I do a cardio exercise 1-2 times a week. I volunteer at a food pantry once a week. I read daily. I text my kids everyday.

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Nice work. Volunteering is huge. Thanks for doing the work!

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Finding about “2%” last year totally transformed my view on actions (who’d have thought two characters could be so challenging?). I park in the furthest space from everything, I sit on the floor (maybe grab some mobility exercises) while I watch TV, and I grab a book or look for a detail in the landscape instead of my phone.

Thanks for a great year and I’m pumped for ‘24! Need to get me some merch now 😋

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Nice work! Keep it up.

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Today. I cut up a tree that fell, block it up for fire wood. Cut the rest , limbs etc , pile it up to burn. Took the blocks to the shop, using a splitter, turn them into firewood. Went back, started burning, what was left. I had a tractor with a front end loader to carry blocks, pile the rest to burn. About five hours all told spent. I am a farmer, have access to equipment. L ife is good!!!!!

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That sounds like a tough and fantastic day. Thanks for sharing!

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Great post that I'll definitely re-read to sink in. I wear a ruck pack to walk the dogs every day and swim in the ocean every morning all year round. I cycle over drive whenever possible. Carry as often as possible eg hand luggage not trolley supermarket basket not trolley. Also gym workouts, hit classes and indoor bouldering with my kids. Connecting with other 2% ers sounds a great idea. Thanks for all you bring to this space Michael Easter.

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Awesome. I'm also a dedicated dog rucker. Looking into a way to get you all connected. Hang tight.

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Michael, YOUR work makes a huge difference! Time to nominate you for Surgeon General and see if we can "shift" the collective mindset. My "gut" (it's a healthy biome) feels that we may have lost the race to our corporatocracy of industrial health care, food, and medicine. I watch this with my family and how the 20 somethings are sedentary, overweight/obese, and phone addicted. I come from a large family and I am the only sibling that takes no medication or has any lifestyle morbidities. @61 I am healthier than I was @ 50. Yes, it takes effort but so does all of life....LIFE: Learn It From Experience

A common thread seems to be, where do I find other 2%ers?

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I'll say this: It is definitely easier to get chronic sickness today than it was in the past.

Thinking about starting an online 2% community that is easier to navigate compared to the comments. More to come ...

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I'm lucky where I have a job that is pretty active but these little tidbits of ways to had extra activity are good.

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So many great points in this post! Reminds me of all the things I still need to do to improve my life! 🤣

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Always read for 15-30 minutes before picking up my phone. Also, I have two kids under two, so we have frequent "dance parties" at home in the evenings. You can't imagine how many steps I rack up in those 30 minute laugh fests!

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This is awesome! Keep it up.

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