Before I traveled to Iraq to research my book, Scarcity Brain, I needed to prepare myself and learn skills on the fine art of not dying in hostile environments.
So I asked Mike Moreno, a former CIA officer who served in Iraq, to give me a day-long crash course.
And I learned a ton from him.
He shared so much about his time in Iraq and taught me critical new skills that anyone can learn to navigate a crisis or stay safe at home.
But I also helped Mike. I shared information with him about the fundamentals of emergency fitness, physical and mental toughness, travel nutrition, and more.
The results of our conversations were powerful.
After Scarcity Brain came out, many people asked Mike and me everything we’d learned about preparing for hostile environments.
And so, we thought ...
“What if we could hold an in-person, practical, hands-on event to teach other people these skills?”
Well, good news: We’re doing just that on November 2nd and 3rd.
We’re putting together a small group of only 25 Two-Percenters who want to learn how to survive in some of the world’s most dangerous environments and thrive at home.
We'll be covering everything you need to flourish in hostile situations.
The upshot: All these skills keep you far safer, fitter, and healthier in everyday life.
It's the same exact preparation I went through before traveling to Iraq to cover the drug trade. It’s how I prepared for a month in the Arctic and many Misogis.
You'll learn useful tactics like how to escape from handcuffs, how to avoid danger at home and abroad, how to train for high-risk adventures, how to talk to anyone, how to build a don't die mindset, how to exercise to survive an emergency and improve your healthspan, and much more.
We’re calling it the Don’t Die retreat.
It provides practical, hands-on experiences to master self-reliance skills and effective methods for navigating anything life throws at you.
Like I said, we’re limiting this 2-day event to 25 highly motivated people.
I’ve already sent this to a waitlist and 17 spots are taken.
So we have 8 spots left. This event will sell out, so sign up soon if you’re interested.
You can check out more details about the event and read reviews from our past cohort on this page.
Have fun, don’t die, and I hope to see you in November …
#17 here (if the invoice is correct). Can’t wait!
I would really love to take part in your retreat, but this year I can’t! Hopefully 2025 there will be another one?