I think all 2 percenters should go on a nature walk during the election coverage tomorrow.

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See you out there ...

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Thank you a thousand times over for writing this! It's amazing how just checking my email on an app shows me just how pervasive this problem is. I'm on AOL (yeah I know! Long story how I ended up using it for email.) and it's amazing how as soon as I'm done reading everything, if I hesitate then the app suddenly moves me to its news feed WITHOUT my permission. It's intrusive and infuriating. Of course it has all of those polls that claim to know the outcome ready to be crammed down my throat without my asking of it. I have to make an intentional effort not to read any of it. This has been the year I've been most active donating and volunteering. I can tell you as soon as I'm done, politics is the last thing I want in my life. All of this exasperation to consumers is about the potential profits that news organizations have to promise those advertisers who market on their feeds. Greedy decisions made by media owners and 'big wigs' in those board rooms who fund and are the bosses of those politicians WE DON'T WANNA READ ABOUT ANYMORE! Talk about an ironic feedback loop!

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I voted early and there is nothing further I can do to influence this election. So I follow the stoic philosophy of being only concerned about what is in my control. Gonna go for a nice, long ruck!

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Have fun! I'll be out there too.

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Tomorrow will be a great day for a nice, long walk.

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I voted early as well and I agree and disagree with you on a few of your points. After you vote early or when you’re feeling angst, there are still things that you can do! Volunteer! I knocked on doors, put up signs, phone banked, talked to friends and family, answered questions, etc. There is always more that you can do to pass the time and remain productive! It doesn’t just stop with your vote-your voice, your research, and knowledge can go a long way!

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You know, this is a really good point. Thank you for sharing it. You're absolutely right.

I updated the post with a footnote. Thank you!

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Some grandfatherly/fatherly advice I shared today with my Ohana (from my readings):

Daly stoic-dont let bad times make you a bad person.

Arnold Schwarzenegger: if someone disagrees with you they are not your enemy.

"Antifragile"-Noise vs signal-if you examine data (news, stocks, hurricanes, etc!) yearly, 50/50 split between half improvements, degradation and half randomness; weekly-95% noise, i.e., randomness, talking heads, 5% signal-actionable data; daily 99.5 noise/ .5 signal. My recovery program has a saying "stay on the beam". A century ago, airports projected a signal that showed pilots the proper approach path to the landing strip, hence stay on the beam or end up in the weeds!

Remember (I often forget in my desire to be right): the young man climbed the high mountain to talk to the guru about the meaning of life. He asked the guru,"what can I do to have a happy life?" The guru replied, "dont argue with anyone (idiots in the nonPC version)" . The young man replied, "that cant be true, that's wrong, it cant be that simple. How can that be right?" The guru answered, "exactly!".

Love your neighbor, be kind and take a hike (where I'm heading now, Nature doesn't argue, it just is what it is!). Peace and love, C

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