Dec 13, 2023Liked by Michael Easter

Since reading The Comfort Crisis I've really loved diving into rucking. Something about it connecting to our ancestors really resonates. I teach yoga (about 15 classes per week) and this is helpful for the rucking side. Do you have any guidance on the strength end? I have to be careful not to overdo it so I can still reach but I feel like that's a crucial missing piece. I was thinking about the TRIBE 'N TRAINING through Go Ruck and would love others thoughts. Thanks for all you do Michael!

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After reading on rucking this morning, I am going to start doing it every week! I already walk a ton, and run a few times a week - going to add the ruck to it and I'm pretty dang excited about it! I exercise a lot and lift weights, so I am going to start with 10 pounds in my pack and go from there. How's it going for you?

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Personally I had a lot of success with 5x5 StrongLifts App.

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Dec 14, 2023Liked by Michael Easter

I love the fact that you put numbers on and quantify your ideas. That is so helpful. It's like getting the theory in the classroom and the actual practice in lab/real life.

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Dec 13, 2023Liked by Michael Easter

15 miles / week!!! I had the SAME EUREKA moment this year! The last couple years I wasn't feeling great while running, and definitely not after. And I thought: is it because I'm not doing enough? (I had rebalanced my cardio to be more bike heavy during COVID, reducing my weekly running mileage.) Or am I just getting old?

I did an experiment: what is the minimum weekly running mileage required for me to feel good while and after running. The answer: 15 miles / week. If I'm doing that reliably, then running feels good, and I never get sore. If I'm much under, then running sucks every single time.

Just amazing to see another human independently come up with 13.1 miles, and yet another come up with 15. All in the same range.

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Dec 13, 2023Liked by Michael Easter

I was a runner for many years along with cycling (road and MB). I started lifting weights about 6 years ago (4-5 times per week and gained 20#s) I gave up the running and weightlifting due to the number of injuries I sustained. None were major, but quality of life was diminished. In the past couple of years I have started walking more and this year I added rucking. I combine this with cycling and strength training. As I get older, the cycling will probably reduce (especially MB). While I enjoy it, my concern is injury due to a bike wreck. Just too hard to recover from as I age. I see the walking/rucking and strength training as the go-to exercises when I am much older...80’s?? I also try to throw in yoga and stretching...limber I am not!

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I suspect this research doesn’t apply to peri or post-menopausal women - any research to support or refute this hypothesis?

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Why do you suspect that?

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Due to the lack of research on women subjects in general and also from the work done by Dr Stacy Sims.

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I loved this post. Thank you for writing it. Do you think running is uniquely beneficial when compared to other forms of vigorous exercise? I currently run 1/week, strength train 3, and do indoor cycle 2-3. I do 20 minutes of rucking/day while walking my dog with 30# weights. I've been adding more VO2 max, interval type training to my cycling, after reading about some of the brain benefits. I wonder if running is beneficial due to being outside and the type of movement it gives us....I used to run more but stepped back after an IT band injury.

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Great question. I'll answer it in tomorrow's AMA!

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