Two Percent with Michael Easter
2% With Michael Easter
Gear Not Stuff: Outdoor and Hiking Gear

Gear Not Stuff: Outdoor and Hiking Gear

The 13 best hiking and outdoor items, selected by three wilderness savants.

July’s Gear Not Stuff features the 13 best pieces of outdoor and hiking gear.

Our Gear Not Stuff picks come from three friends who have spent more time in the wilderness than just about anyone. I’d venture to bet only trees spend more time out there than them.

They’ve tested more gear over more miles and in more sketchy situations than just about anyone. Which means their 13 picks will work for you.

They delivered epic recommendations for critical items ranging from a tent, sleeping bag, pack, and pad, to inexpensive accessories that make your time outdoors far more enjoyable and safer.

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Two Percent with Michael Easter
2% With Michael Easter
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