Great lessons and the event seems awesome. Any pointers on things people should carry with them or have easy access to when they’re out and about or traveling? There are a lot of people who would suggest having enough equipment to fully pack multiple suitcases before you leave the house, but that’s not obviously not feasible for most of us. What’s the 2% version?

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Concealed carry and know how to use it.

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If you’re considering it, take it from an attendee of this first event, it was well worth it!

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What Shannon said. The video honestly doesn’t do it justice. I’m still living off the vibes, as the kids say.

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This is great. I travel a ton for work. I always go over the map of the general area before I get there. I always use the security lock. I’m looking at a leave maga self defense intensive even though I’m a big, strong guy but always better to learn more.

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I cannot recommend Krav Maga highly enough. I have my Krav orange belt, and I unfortunately no longer have access to a Krav gym. It's so very practical and "to the point". I wish I still had access to a gym to train (and to get my kids training).

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That’s the appeal for me. Hoping to do it in the fall!

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I’d love to see one of year for us east coasters in NC.

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Added a door stop to my Amazon cart! Thanks!!

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Wish I could do this! I’m getting married Oct 26th and going on my honeymoon after

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Second comment but I just thought of this: do you go over learning the language of the area you're visiting at all? Like, what are the most useful phrases to know, how to gauge the number of people there are in the area that speak your native language, which phrases to avoid, etc.? Being able to blend into the culture of the area you're visiting seems like a core skill.

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Any chance you'll do an online version of this class at some point? I know a lot of these skills are pretty hands-on and are definitely best presented in person with professional guidance, but maybe there's a way to condense the most important information into a Skype class of some sort. A skill like map recon seems feasible to teach over an online course, but I understand things like escaping ziptie handcuffs just wouldn't have the same impact over an internet connection, haha. Maybe just demonstrations of those skills? Or maybe an idea for your next book? "Don't Die" is already a pretty catchy title. Super interested in this topic but I just can't justify the money or time away right now. Thanks!! Huge fan of your work!

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Great sounding event recap. Shame it’s during the New York Marathon. Woulda loved to check this one out.

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Looks fantastic. Would love to be there in November (but travelling in Africa - trying not to die). I hope you do another event early next year.

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