No transcript ? I listened for 2 minutes, still waiting for the first of the 3 steps. I could have read the transcript in that time. :(

Maybe do a separate post (straight to the point), podcast (more reflexive, conversational, to listen in the car or at the gym), and video (with demos) on distinct days ?

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Hi, all of our podcasts go up before we post the newsletter that the podcast reads are based on. This allows us to embed the podcast in the newsletter. All the information you seek is in this post: https://www.twopct.com/p/3-steps-to-build-good-habits-27c

In the future, if something is referenced in the podcast you want to know more about and you've listened to the podcast right as it airs, just wait 40 or so minutes and the post will hit your inbox with the relevant info. Thanks for being a Member of Two Percent!

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Indeed, got the email. Thanks so much for the inspiring posts, and have a wonderful day !

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